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 Memorabilia from The 1916 Easter Rising, its Prelude and Aftermath.
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Michael Collins
Memorial Mass Card in Irish and English
Collins (Michael)  Memorial in English
Collins (Michael)  Memorial Card, General Michael Collins (Commander-in-Chief of National Army) killed in action at Beal na Blath, near Bandon, Co. Cork, 22 August 1922, with photograph.
'Gone from us, but not forgotten
Never shall thy memory fade;
Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger
Round the grave where thou art laid
Collins (Michael)  Memorial in Irish
MICHAEL COLLINS, A RARE MASS CARD. Black text on grey and buff card, black border, Gaelic text: "I nDil-Cuimne ar Miceal O Coileain a fuir bas i Bean-na-mBlat an 22ad la de mi Lugnasa, 1922", etc. (In memory of Michael Collins who died at Beal na mBlath on 22nd August 1922). with head and shoulders real photographic portrait of Michael Collins facing left, wearing the uniform of an officer of the Irish Volunteers, affixed at top centre.
Postcards of the funeral's of Michael Collins & Arthur Griffith
Funeral of the late General Collins August 28th 1922.Motor car laden with Floral offerings
Funeral of the late General Collins August 28th 1922.Motor car laden with Floral offerings
Funeral of the late president Arthur Griffith. His grace the archbishop of Dublin after the final blessing Funeral of the late General Collins. The wreath covered Grave
Funeral of the late president Arthur Griffith. His grace the archbishop of Dublin after the final blessing Funeral of the late General Collins. The wreath covered Grave
Funeral of the late president Arthur Griffith.. At the Graveside Funeral of the late General Collins. Members f an Dáil.
Funeral of the late president Arthur Griffith.. At the Graveside Funeral of the late General Collins. Members f an Dáil.
The late General Michael Collins. Commander in chief National Army General Michael Collins TD. Killed in ambush, Co. Cork 22nd August 1922.
The late General Michael Collins. Commander in chief National Army General Michael Collins TD. Killed in ambush, Co. Cork 22nd August 1922.
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