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 Memorabilia from The 1916 Easter Rising, its Prelude and Aftermath.
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The 1916 Active Service Medal
1916 MMedal front 1916 Easter Rising Medal Box
The front showing top bar ribbon and medal. Original box of issue
In order to mark in an appropriate manner the 25th anniversary of the 1916 Rising, the Government decided (1) to hold a special commemoration parade, and (2) to have struck two medals, one for those who took part in the Rising, and the other for those who had service subsequently in the War of Independence. The parade was held on Easter Sunday, 1941, and consisted of units of the Army, Old I.R.A. units, surviving fit members of those who took part in the actual Rising, and units of the various emergency defence forces. The 1916 Medal, mounted on a green and orange poplin ribbon, depicts Cuchualain in a dying attitude, and the design is the work of a corporal serving in the Army Corps of Engineers. This medal is awarded: (1) to persons in possession of military service certificates for service rendered during Easter Week, 1916; (2) to persons who did not apply for such certificates, but who can produce evidence to show that if they did they would have been entitled to a certificate; (3) to the next-of-kin of those persons who have since died and who had such certificates, or would have had them if they had applied for them.
Any person who rendered active service in Oglaigh na hÉireann or a kindred organisation during the week commencing 23 April (Easter Week), 1916 was eligible to be awarded a certificate of service and a military service pension under the Military Service Pensions Acts. All such persons were also eligible for the award of the 1916 Medal which was instituted in 1941
1916 Easter Rising Medal Compliments Slip Included in the box would be a paper slip reading " With the Compliments of the President of Ireland" on one side and "le Deig-méinn Uactaráim na hÉireann" on the other.

A small cutting of the ribbon was also included for wearing without the full medal.
1916 Easter Rising Medal front 1916 Easter Rising Medal Back
The 1916 Medal was manufactured by P. Quinn Limited .and The Jewelry and Metal Manufacturing Co.
Date of Manufacture of the 3 batches of the 1916 Medals
7th May 1941 1995
3rd March 1943 250
11th January 1552 200
Quantity issued as declared by General MacEoin on the 15th of January 1959 in Dáil hÉireann was
1916 medal 2,439
1917-1921 medal (with bar) 14,897
1917-1921 medal 40,067
Total 57,067
1916 easter Rising Medal Ribbon 1916 easter Rising Medal Ribbon There are slight variations between the different batches.

The ribbon on the left hand medal is neatly folder and sewn while the medal on the right hand side is only folded.
The right hand medal was a replacement issued in the late nineteen eighties.
1916 Easter Rising Medal Top bar The top bar comes in two different sizes, the smaller left hand side example being the older.
The 1916 medal was issued un-named , however it was named and numbered when issued in 1941 to the families of those participants who had died before 1941. This included the approximately 84 - 86 killed in action during Easter Week. Paul Murphy of the medal Society of Ireland compared the alphabetically listed names of 84 participants and found that they order almost matched the issue number on the medals.
Other Medal Society research indicates that their were a total of 1,080 posthumously issued Comrac medals and 1360 posthumously issued non combatant 1917-1921 service medals in total.
1916 Easter Rising Medal Named 1916 Easter Rising Medal Named
The example above was officially name and numbered with the number6... and the name J.O'R...
It is difficult to see and I have deleted some of this information for the security of the eBay medal purchaser.
This example was privately named and includes details of his battalion.
Shown below is a miniature 1916 (and 1917-1921) medal worn instead of the larger medal on possibly less formal occasions.
These miniatures were only obtained by purchasing them and thus there are very few in existence as the average 1916 combatant would not have been able to afford one.
1916 Miniture easter Rising Medal 1916 Miniture easter Rising Medal
The 1916 Armband
The 1916 armband was the first decoration given to veterans of the 1916 Rebellion. It was awarded at a ceremony held at the Rotunda Rink, Dublin, on Sunday 21 April 1935 to mark the 19th Anniversary of the Rebellion. This armband was worn by Volunteer veterans with civilian attire on ceremonial occasions, prior to the introduction of the 1916 medal.
1916 Easter Rising Armband
1966 Commemorative 50th Anniversary Medal
Easter Rising 50th Anniversary Medal 1916 Miniture easter Rising Medal Front

1916 Miniture easter Rising Medal Back
This silver medal was marked with a special silver hallmark "the sword of light" for the year 1966.

Also shown below is "J. M. Co." for the manufacturer "The Jewelry and Metal Manufacturing Co"
1966 Silver Hallmark
Easter Rising 1966 Medal Top Bar Back Easter Rising 1966 Medal  Date
Easter Rising 1966 Medal Ribbon Front Easter Rising 1966 Medal Ribbon Botton

This example , issued as a replacement in the late 1980's, is similar to the active service medal replacement with its ribbon not folded or sown. The silver hallmarks also differs.
964 were distributed to survivors of the 1916 Rising who were holders of the 1916 medal (as of 20th November, 1969 Dáil statement)
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