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 Memorabilia from The 1916 Easter Rising, its Prelude and Aftermath.
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World War One and Enrolment in Ireland
Enrolment posters for the first world war were removed y the Irish Volunteers and Sinn Fein to try to thwart England's efforts
The National Defence Fund The National Defence Fund was an anti conscription pledge and fund drawn up after the British decision to extend conscription to Ireland in 1918.

World War One Irish pro recruitment postcards
Its a long Way to Tipperary
Your Dear Old Dad was Irish
Kathleen Mavourneen
Eileen Alanhan
Tip Top Tipperary Mary

Its a long Way to Tipperary Tip Top Tipperary Mary Tip Top Tipperary Mary
Tip Top Tipperary Mary Eileen Alanhan Eileen Alanhan
Eileen Alanhan Eileen Alanhan Kathleen Mavourneen
Kathleen Mavourneen Its a long Way to Tipperary Its a long Way to Tipperary
Your Dear Old Dad was Irish Your Dear Old Dad was Irish Its a long way to Tipp.
Its a long Way to Tipperary Its a long Way to Tipperary Its a long Way to Tipperary
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918: Victory, Put Your Back into it and Help to give The Final Push - Sign the Enlistment Form, large colour poster, approx. 76.5cms x 51cms, printed by James Walker (Dublin) Ltd World War I, 1914 - 1918: Irish Recruiting Poster. An Enquiry from the Front. "When are the Other boys COMING?" A very colourful poster issued by the Central Council for the Organization of Recruiting in Ireland, and printed by M'Caw, Stevenson & Orr, Ltd., Dublin & Belfast, approx. 73.5cms x 50.5cms
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918 Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918
World War I, 1914 - 1918: English Recruiting Poster. "Be Honest with Yourself. Be Certain that Your So Called Reason is Not a Selfish Excuse," Lord Kitchener. ENLIST TO-DAY. A large poster approx. 76cms x 51cms, published by The Parliamentary Recruiting Committee, London.
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1916: Appeal from John Redmond, M.P. to the People of Ireland, A large poster printed by Alex Thom & Co. in green, with orange border on a white background, and signed by John E. Redmond & dated 17th February
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918
1914-18 World War I Irish Recruiting Poster  IRELAND'S WAR MAP - 100,000 MEN STILL ELIGIBLE etc" Published by Department of Recruiting for Ireland Lithographed by Alex. Thom. & Co. Dublin 76 by 51cm., 30 by 20in. 1914-18 World War I Irish Recruiting Poster  "Can You any Longer resist the Call?" Issued by Department of Recruiting for Ireland Printed by McCann Stevenson & Orr, Dublin & Belfast 76 by 51cm., 30 by 20in. Depicts a stereotypical Irish farmer with a plough, doffing his cap at a vision of St. Patrick and a ruined Belgian cathedral. The campaign often focused on the plight of the Roman Catholic Belgians being ill treated by the Germans in the hopes of recruiting Irish Catholics to the Army.
Irish Recruiting Poster, 1914 - 1918 The Real IRISH Spirit
1914-18 World War I Irish Recruiting Poster. circa 1916 "WILL YOU MAKE A FOURTH?" Issued by Department of Recruiting for Ireland 32 Nassau Street Dublin Lithographed by Alex Thomas and Co. Ltd. 76 by 51cm., 30 by 20in.
I'll go too
The Real IRISH Spirit
For The Glory Of Ireland John Redmond of the Irish Party encouraging Irishmen to join up.
For the Glory of Ireland "Will You go
or must I"
John Redmond of the Irish Party encouraging Irishmen to join up.
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