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 Memorabilia from The 1916 Easter Rising, its Prelude and Aftermath.
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The National Museum's Roll Of Honour

The 1916 “Roll of Honour” was initiated by Comrades associations of the veterans to produce an accurate list of those who served in the various garrisons during Easter Week.

It was compiled, amended, deleted and added to prior and after its presentation to the National Museum but always by senior officers in an attempt to improve its accuracy.

To date, I believe, it has only been publish in hard copy on one occasion, by “Anvil Books” in 1986, and it is this list that has been re-published on various web sites.

The original in paper format is unavailable for research to the public.

This copy of the roll has been taken as accurate with the authors own claim that the roll is “the definite record”.

However, it is in my opinion, an inaccurate assumption.

Firstly the “Anvil Roll” admits it does not include the provincial participants. There are 3 full garrisons missing.

Secondly a full page from one garrison was accidently omitted, leaving 57 signatures’ now missing from the online copies available.

Thirdly the original contains rank and unit for many signatures’ plus a deceased indication for those who were added posthumously, this is not in the published copy.

Finally, transcribing the signatures is not guaranteed accurate science.

Below are two important signatory, in James Connelly’s personal secretary Winifred Carney & Kathleen Florence Lynn the chief medical officer to the Irish Citizen Army.

In both cases they have been added incorrectly in the “Anvil Roll”.

I have transcribed the full roll again and added it to my database, which is still available as a research tool to anyone who sends me a request for a name search.


Section Copied From The Roll

Anvil Roll



Winifred Conway


Winifred Carney




Kathleen Flynn

Kathleen F. Lynn I.C.A



The document shown below is written on the headed paper that the Roll of Honour is written on. This would seem to be a draft of The Stephens Green Garrison prepared by Richard McCormick for inclusion in the final Roll
Roll Of Honour Proof
Easter Week Stephens Green
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