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 Memorabilia from The 1916 Easter Rising, its Prelude and Aftermath.
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1916 Publications printed during The Easter Rising  by the Irish Rebels
The Provisional Goverment Of The Irsih Republic

, "Poblacht na hÉireann / The Provisional Government of the Irish Republic to the People of Ireland, Printed at Liberty Hall, Dublin, under the protection of soldiers of the Irish Citizen Army, on Easter Sunday, 1916, and red from the steps of the General Post Office, O'Connell St., Dublin on Easter Monday morning by P.H. Pearse, in the presence of the other signatories of the document, thereby heralding the Rising, and Ireland's advance towards self -determination. Single broadsheet, overall size 30 2/16" x 20 2/16", width of printed lines, 18 ¼", printed text 29 1/16", on poor paper with smudging and uneven
inking,  The most important document in Irish History,

Half sheet of the 1916 Proclamation.
Half shheet of the 1916 Proclamanation
The full proclamation because of its size and lack of sufficient type could not be accommodated in full on the Wharfedale printing press in Liberty Hall, and had to be printed in two parts. The top half was printed first. The type was then re-set to print the bottom half. After the required run was completed, believed to be around 1000 copies, the work of distribution began immediately, and the lower half of the typeset was left in the press. The British soldiers, when they captured Liberty Hall, whether on orders or out of curiosity, printed off some copies from the printing press. A few of these half-sheets were kept as souvenirs
Irish War News. The Irish Republic
Irish War News Irish War News

 Second War Bulletin.

Third War Bulletin

I was contacted by a family member of the printer of the second and third War News document and was asked to remove them from my web site. the explanation given was that

  • This Book, It’s Publishing Rights and Author Rights are the sole and exclusive property of ***********. This means that the re-production if this book, its images and content are expressly PROHIBITED.

    I would therefore respectfully request that you remove any items that form part of the book JOE STANLEY – PRINTER TO THE RISING.

  • We spent many years compiling the Stanley Collection in preparation for the Book. We intend to promote it soon in the United States and do not wish to have any copyright portions of the Book on Internet Sites.

  • You may also have read that the originals collection was sold to the National Museum earlier this year.

I have written this site to help share information on collectable memorabilia from this period and have never profited nor charged anyone for research i have carried out. I chose to include these Bulletins as i understood they were now in the public domain following there sale for several million to the National Museum It would seem that the "owners" have a different understanding & agenda.

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